📆 Thu, Dec 29, 2022
Added support for Grafana dashboard import for:
Fluent Bit
Node exporter
Added support for Large log messages up to 1Mb
Added native support for Azure blob store for InstaStore
Added new Ingest plugins for:
Added new Forwarder plugins for:
Added support for Renaming attributes of logs before forwarding data to the destination
Added support for ingesting directly from Splunk UF (Universal Forwarder) and Splunk HF (Heavy Forwarder) using Splunk cooked mode
Added support for ingesting Splunk Metrics
Added support for Archiving alerts in InstaStore which will be available as an audit trail
Added support for Archiving events that are older than 24 hours which will be available under events history
Added new Severity Metrics to measure the logs levels within the time range.
Made Search and UI performance enhancements ✨
3.0 - 2022-07-31
Distributed Tracing
Compatible with OpenTelemetry and Jaeger agents
Infinite Scale and retention on InstaStore
AnyTime - AI/ML Engine for any time-series database
Anomaly detection
Statistical data baselining and dynamic thresholds
Moving average
Anomaly and dynamic threshold-based alerts
Input Plugins
IBM QRadar
Splunk S2S
LogFlow Forwarders
Splunk Syslog, Splunk HEC, Splunk S2S
IBM QRadar
Syslog, Syslog CEF
New Data Sources
AWS CloudWatch Metrics ( YAML )
AWS CloudWatch Metrics (SQL Insights) - 2021-06-11
LD-35 multi-variate regEx in log2Metrics - 2021-06-07
A-4 Comparator operator results in lesser search results - 2021-06-02
LD-30 Custom Search Indices - 2021-04-15
Namespace level Log distribution graph in Search and Logs page
Performance Improvements - 2021-04-08
DEFECT#613 Query backend not honoring the startTime sent from UI
PERF#614 Uploader Optimizations - 2021-04-02
PERF#603 Query Improvements
Bloom filter for faster search
Query interval skip improvements
PERF#602 Metadata Improvements
Metadata uploader improvements
UI#599 UI enhancements
Search and logs page optimizations
FEATURE#580 AWS improvements
AWS ECS logging improvements
Customized AWS fargate 1.4 fluent driver image
AWS Cloudwatch exporter
2.1.11 - 2020-12-13
Log aggregation
Support for and expressions in search
Event rules designer support for && and || for individual parameters
Performance and memory improvements
Data convergence
Support for Apache DRUID connector
Optionally deploy Grafana with the LOGIQ stack
Logs compare view to select 2 logs to be viewed side by side
Easy toggle for activating/deactivating periodic queries
2.1.9 - 2020-11-28
Log aggregation
Support for full data/metadata recovery on service restarts
Log analytics
Support for application and process/pod context in log and search views
Deployment and Infrastructure
Support for node selectors. Both taints and node selectors are supported
Support for using spot instances on EKS/AWS
Support for using S3 compatible buckets directly without a caching gateway to optimize for region optimized deployments
Multi cluster support
License management UI
Ingest configuration settings exposed in the UI
Logs page and search now have application and process/pod level contexts
2.1 - 2020-09-28
Log aggregation
Parquet with Snappy compression for data at REST
Log analytics
Log view supports full JSON view for ingested log data like Search view
Performance improvements for faster search, logs, and tailing
Event deduplication can reduce event data by up to 1000x at peak data rates
Deduplication of monitoring events at Namespace granularity
Deployment and Infrastructure
Separation of LOGIQ server into microservices for data ingestion, ML/UI and S3/Metadata management
Support for taints in HELM chart for more control over large-scale deployments e.g. schedule ingest pods on dedicated nodes etc.
Log tailing infrastructure using Redis switches to diskless replication/no persistence
2.0 - 2020-08-12
Log aggregation
Support for AWS Fargate, Firelens, Fluent forward Protocol
LOGIQ Fluent-bit daemon-set for K8S clusters
Data extraction via Grok patterns, compatible with Logstash Grok patterns using the Grokky library
Log analytics
Redesigned - Elastic/Kibana like search UI that scales to infinite data from S3 compatible object store
Real-time alertable events and alerts from log data
Real-time extraction of log data facets using Grok expressions
1-Click conversion of log data events to time series visualization
Logiqctl command-line toolkit
Works with SAML users via API Key
Prometheus alert manager integration into LOGIQ alerts for unified alerting across logs and metrics
Built-in Logiq dashboard for LOGIQ cluster performance and health monitoring
LOGIQ Data platform
Connect numerous popular data sources into the LOGIQ platforms such as Postgres, MySql, Elasticsearch, Athena, MongoDB, Prometheus, and more.
JSON Data source for easily converting arbitrary JSON data into tables, widgets, and alerts
Role-based access control
Namespace RBAC for log data from K8S namespaces
SAML Integration for RBAC allowing SAML Attributes to map to RBAC groups
Security and Compliance
Fully secured HELM deployment using Role, RoleBindings, ServiceAccounts and Pod Security policies for all service
Cryptographically verified JWT token for API communication
Built-in audit logging for the entire product and infrastructure
1.2.1 - 2020-05-11
Add support for ingress with http and optionally have https
ServiceMonitor for ingesting server if prometheus is installed
Logs modal ordering to match how developers view logs from a file
Highlight logline from search
Bug fixes for performance, graceful failure handling/recovery
1.2.0 - 2020-04-28
Official GA of LOGIQ's complete Observability platform with support for metrics and log analytics
Scale-out and HA deployment for Kubernetes via HELM 3 chart ( )
Monitoring of time series metrics
New Log viewer
Log viewer integration with faceted search
Log time machine to go back in time to log state
logiqctl is now GA with support for log tailing, historical queries and search
1.1.0 - 2020-02-27
Fluentd sends error logs as info - fixed with grok patterns to extract proper severity strings from incoming messages
Anomaly detection via Eventing with built-in and custom rules
Built-in UI Help with Intercom chat
Expand and collapse search facets
New AMI's for AWS marketplace
1.0.0 - 2020-01-21
Official GA of LOGIQ's Log Insights platform
AWS Marketplace AMI for all regions including Gov cloud regions
AWS CloudFormation 1-click deployment
Rsyslog, Syslog protocol support for data ingest via Rsyslogd, syslogd, syslog-ng, logstash, fluentd, fluentbit, docker logging syslog driver.
Built-in UI with SQL Queries, Faceted search, Alerts, Dashboards
Last updated
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