
Agent management with Fleet

With Fleet, you can effectively track and manage large collections of telemetry collection agents across your observability systems. See up-to-date status information about all agents. Apply updates to agent configurations, or install new agents, or upgrade existing ones.

Agents List:

This shows agents registered with Fleet. Filter the agents by name, host name, version and agent type. The Actions menu allows actions to be performed on selected agents. Actions include starting, stopping, restarting, or deleting agents.

Agent Details:

Select any configured agents, then agent detail's view will show. Which has details and configuration files. The detail's view contains the description, tags, versions, agent created date and updated date.

Configuration files:

Select the configuration flies tab to view current active configuration that is assigned for the agent.

Agent Status:

Select the Status button to view the agent status, which shows logs/errors of the selected agent.

Configuration History:

Click on the Agent Assignment History to view the assigned configurations for the agent.

Assign configuration:

Click on Manually Assign Configuration to assign configuration based on the selected agent type. Choose the configuration and assign it to the agent, then the agent manager will assign this configuration and restart the agent.

Choose “Refresh” icon to view status of the assigned configuration.

Last updated