Generating a secure ingest token

Apica Ascent uses an ingest token to secure the ingestion of log data from your data sources into your Apica Ascent deployment. You can generate a secure ingest token using the Apica Ascent UI and the command-line tool, apicactl.

Obtaining an ingest token using UI

You can obtain a secure ingest token from the Edit Profile page on the Apica Ascent UI.

To begin, click on the username on the navbar, and then click "Edit Profile". Your secure ingest token will be displayed under the Ingest Token field. Click the Copy icon next to the token to copy it to your clipboard.

Generating using apicactl

To generate a secure ingest token, do the following.

  1. Install and configure apicactl, if you haven't already.

  2. Run the following command to generate a secure ingest token:

    apicactl get httpingestkey
  3. Copy the ingest key generated by running the command above and save it in a secure location.

You can now use this ingest token while configuring Apica Ascent to ingest data from your data sources, especially while using log forwarders like Fluent Bit or Logstash.

Last updated