6. Execution Control -User-Defined Transactions And Page Breaks
Add Transaction
The Transaction tab allows defining and adding Transactions into the recorded session.
Add Transaction Input Fields:
Transaction Name: Enter an arbitrary, unique transaction name.
End at Item: Select the end of the transaction. A transaction can end at any URL or can end at any page.
The measured results of the transactions are shown in the Load Test Result Detail menu:
Insert Page Break
The Page Break tab allows inserting belated Page Breaks into the recorded session.
Insert Page Break Input Fields:
Before/After Item: Inserts the page break before or after the specific URL position.
Page Description: Arbitrary description of the web page.
User's Think Time: The "human" page view delay in seconds.
User's Think Time Randomness: Random deviation of the page view delay in percent, recalculated every time when a simulated user calls the web page during the load test.
Hint: See also Insert Page Break at the left upper corner in Main Menu to insert a Page Break at the end of the currently recorded session.
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