Core ZebraTester V7.0-B Documentation
ZebraTester Version 7.0-B
Core Documentation
New Functions and Features
Upgrade Instructions
Compatibility with earlier versions
An abridged version of this User Guide is available online.
Menu and Navigation Overview
Recording Web Sessions
Editing Web Sessions
Adding Loops
Adding Custom Performance Metrics
Parameterization and Variables
Playing back recorded Web Sessions.
Generating Load Test Sessions
Executing Load Test Programs
Analyzing Results
Distributed Load Tests
Apica Table Server (ATS)
Powered by ZebraTester as a web application.
Separate port from ZebraTester Main Menu.
Serves multiple data tables.
Enables data-sharing across virtual users during the execution.
Avoids supplying the data with input files as part of the script.
ZebraTester has new inline functions for retrieving data from or feeding data to ATS.
ZebraTester architecture.
Detailed descriptions for all ZebraTester programs.
Installing ZebraTester on Unix-like systems
Scripting load test programs.
Supported time zones.
ZebraTester configuration files list.
How to handle dynamically-exchanged session parameters
Configuring Variables in the ZebraTester GUI.
Finding Variables
Extracting Values from Variables
Assigning Values to Variables
Variable Parameterization
Variable Rules
How the Variable Extractor Wizard works
For those who write inline scripts for ZebraTester.
Apica developed the Prx BASIC programming language for the Inline Scripts within ZebraTester.
Integrated Functions
Error Handlers
ZebraTester Load Test Plug-Ins
Properties, Runtime Behavior, and Configuration
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