Audit Vault Logs - OCI

Audit Vault Logs in OCI Context: Setting Vault in Dev Mode and Ingest Logs to Apica Ascent.

Audit Vault Logs in OCI Context: Setting Vault in Dev Mode and Ingest Logs to Apica Ascent.

Download the source files for this configuration to your local system

Step 1: Create a Namespace for Vault

Create a namespace to isolate Vault resources.

kubectl create namespace vault
kubectl get namespace

Step 2: Create a persistent volume claim (PVC) in ReadWriteOnce access mode

The Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) is used to store audit logs, which FluentBit reads and then ingest it into to Ascent.

Create the new PVC under vault namespace.

kubectl apply -f vault-pvc.yaml -n vault
kubectl get pvc -n vault

Step 3: Install Vault in Dev Mode and Verify the Installation

Add the HashiCorp Helm Repository and Update Local Repository Cache

helm repo add hashicorp
helm repo updat

Install HashiCorp Vault in a Kubernetes cluster, deploying it in development mode with the UI enabled and exposed via a LoadBalancer service for external access.

helm upgrade --install vault hashicorp/vault \
       --set='' \
       --set='ui.enabled=true' \
       --set='ui.serviceType=LoadBalancer' \
       --namespace vault -f server.yaml --debug

Verify the pods are in the running state

kubectl get all -n vault

Describe the verify the pods incase of any errors.

kubectl describe pod/<vault pod name> -nvault

Step 4: Enable Audit Logs from the CLI

Follow these steps to enable the audit logs track all Vault requests, by exec into the vault pod.

  • Access the Vault pod by exec into thevault-0 pod in the vault namespace:

    kubectl exec -it pod/vault-0 -n vault -- sh
  • Log in to the Vault server using the root token:

    vault login root
  • List current audit devices configured in Vault:

    vault audit list
  • Enable a file audit device with JSON log format, storing logs at the specified file path:

    vault audit enable file file_path=/vault/logs/vault-audit.log log_format=json
  • Verify that the file audit device has been successfully added:

    vault audit list

Step 5: Update the PVC access mode to ReadWriteMany

To update a Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) in a Kubernetes namespace, follow these steps. First, list all PVCs in the vault namespace to identify which one needs modification. Then, edit the specific PVC using kubectl edit, replacing <replace PV name> with the actual name of the PVC you want to update.

# List all Persistent Volume Claims in the 'vault' namespace
kubectl get pvc -n vault

# Edit the specific PVC by replacing '<replace PV name>' with the actual PVC name
kubectl edit pvc/<replace PV name> -n vault

Please update the following section in your configuration file to clarify the access modes:

  - ReadWriteMany


  • ReadWriteMany: This access mode allows multiple nodes to read and write the data

Step 6: Install Fluent Bit to Stream Vault Audit Logs to Ascent

Configure the Fluent Bit Helm chart by adding its repository and refreshing your local chart list.

  1. Add the Fluent Bit Helm repository:

    helm repo add fluent
    helm repo update
  2. Create a ConfigMap for fluentBit:

Before applying the configmap, please update the 4 fields based on the configuration in fb-configmap.yaml file.

  • [INPUT]: Replace path with the Vault audit log file path (e.g., /vault/logs/vault-audit.log).

  • [OUTPUT]: Replace Host with the Apica Ascent hostname or endpoint.

  • [OUTPUT]: Update URI path if necessary.

  • [OUTPUT]: Update Header Authorization Bearer token.

  1. Apply the Config Map:

kubectl apply -f fb-configmap.yaml -n vault
kubectl get configmap -n vault
  1. Deploy Fluent Bit:

kubectl apply -f fb-deployment.yaml -n vault

Step 7: Generate Logs and Verify Fluent Bit Output

Follow these steps to log into the Vault UI and create secrets:

kubectl get all -nvault


  1. Log in to the Vault UI using the LoadBalancer IP or DNS name.

  2. Enter your login credentials and access the Vault interface it will be token/root.

  3. Navigate to the "Secrets" section from the side menu.

  4. Click on "Create secret" and fill in the required information for your secret.

  5. Save your secret to finalize the creation process.

This should generate some vault audit logs and verify the fluent fit pod logs, should scrape the new logs that are generated.

kubectl logs pod/<pod name> -n vault

Ensure logs show successful processing of Vault audit logs.

Step 8: Verify Logs in Apica Ascent

  1. Log in to Apica Ascent.

  2. Navigate to Logs & Insights.

  3. Look for the vault-logs namespace.

  4. Click on the Vault app to view the logs.

Last updated