
Apica Ascent ingests traces and logs from OpenTelemetry collector and Jaeger agent. It implements scalable streaming and indexing of spans, traces and logs directly to any object storage. Users can search and visualize spans, traces, and logs using a simple intuitive built-in UI. Our UI borrows several key aspects from the Jaeger UI project while integrating it seamlessly with Apica Ascent's infinitely scalable InstaStore backend built on top of object storage.

Finding Traces

In the Apica Ascent UI, navigate to Traces under Explore in the navigational menu.

Traces navigational menu
Search for Tracens and Spans

You can now search for traces by Service and Operation name as well as tags

Searching by Operation and Service
Looking at a trace

You can also click Analyze and get the full span and logs for the trace for download.

Analyze to go to get and download all data for a trace

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